專注于進口歐、美、日、韓 機電設備儀器儀表 ,始于2008年
原裝進口SIEMENS交流電機,HATZ發動機,Europress,美國VORTEC渦流管,英國ROTORY POWER液壓馬達,美國BOSCH葉片泵 ,AQUAMETRO流量計,CEMA 開關、CEMA按鈕,瑞士ABB 進口電機,瑞士CONTOIL流量計,CONTROL TECHNIQUES 伺服電機,EMERSON伺服電機,NIDEC伺服電機,意大利AEG 電機, Marelli Motori電機, LERORY SOEMR電機 等等
HERKULES集團主要是是由 軋輥制造商 小部分米爾斯 中型/重型組米爾斯 管磨機 窄帶鋼軋機 寬地帶米爾斯 板軋機 Z-/Multiple卷輥 鋁箔米爾斯 造紙廠 整體式™ 輥檢測系統 輥車間設備等組成
HerkulesGroup主要服務于: 軋輥制造商 第米爾斯 米爾斯地帶和表 鋁箔米爾斯 造紙廠 輥車間設備等行業
HerkulesGroup’s HCC KPM has developed its own Roll Shop Management System, which allows for true integration of the complete roll shop, interfaceable to the host computer of the mill. The fully equipped main computer delivers all kind of graphics, alpha numerical data, statistics as well as inventory tracking and scheduling, automatically.
The Monolith™ series covers the range of rolls up to a diameter of 1500 mm lengths up to 7000 mm and roll weights up to 45 t.
Range of models:
WS 450L Monolith™
WS 450 Monolith™
WS 600 Monolith™
Z-Mills and Multiple Roll Mills
In general the smallest roll grinders are used in stainless steel cold rolling mills for Z-mill rolls. These relatively small machines are equipped with all functions mentioned before with the larger machines and allow for the highest quality requirements.
Narrow Strip Mills
Fully automatic roll grinders with specialized HCC KPM KP-10 controls as well as their on-line, on the fly HCC KPM measuring gauges service the roll shops worldwide. In general conventionally designed table top grinders (travelling workpiece type) are used in narrow strip mills.
Fully automatic roll grinders with specialized HCC KPM KP-10 controls as well as their on-line, on the fly HCC KPM measuring gauges service the roll shops worldwide. In general conventionally designed table top grinders (travelling workpiece type) are used in narrow strip mills.
深圳市卡普特機電設備有限公司優價供應德國HERKULES磨床以及磨床備品備件,如有任何產品的咨詢,請隨時聯絡卡普特公司! 聯系人:市場二部 電話:0755-21513506 郵箱:sales@ttcie.com
HERKULES集團主要是是由 軋輥制造商 小部分米爾斯 中型/重型組米爾斯 管磨機 窄帶鋼軋機 寬地帶米爾斯 板軋機 Z-/Multiple卷輥 鋁箔米爾斯 造紙廠 整體式™ 輥檢測系統 輥車間設備等組成
HerkulesGroup主要服務于: 軋輥制造商 第米爾斯 米爾斯地帶和表 鋁箔米爾斯 造紙廠 輥車間設備等行業
HerkulesGroup’s HCC KPM has developed its own Roll Shop Management System, which allows for true integration of the complete roll shop, interfaceable to the host computer of the mill. The fully equipped main computer delivers all kind of graphics, alpha numerical data, statistics as well as inventory tracking and scheduling, automatically.
The Monolith™ series covers the range of rolls up to a diameter of 1500 mm lengths up to 7000 mm and roll weights up to 45 t.
Range of models:
WS 450L Monolith™
WS 450 Monolith™
WS 600 Monolith™
Z-Mills and Multiple Roll Mills
In general the smallest roll grinders are used in stainless steel cold rolling mills for Z-mill rolls. These relatively small machines are equipped with all functions mentioned before with the larger machines and allow for the highest quality requirements.
Narrow Strip Mills
Fully automatic roll grinders with specialized HCC KPM KP-10 controls as well as their on-line, on the fly HCC KPM measuring gauges service the roll shops worldwide. In general conventionally designed table top grinders (travelling workpiece type) are used in narrow strip mills.
Fully automatic roll grinders with specialized HCC KPM KP-10 controls as well as their on-line, on the fly HCC KPM measuring gauges service the roll shops worldwide. In general conventionally designed table top grinders (travelling workpiece type) are used in narrow strip mills.
深圳市卡普特機電設備有限公司優價供應德國HERKULES磨床以及磨床備品備件,如有任何產品的咨詢,請隨時聯絡卡普特公司! 聯系人:市場二部 電話:0755-21513506 郵箱:sales@ttcie.com